Powers Of Attorney & Health Care Directives in the Culver City, CA area

Powers Of Attorney & Health Care Directives in the Culver City, CA area

Advance Health Care Directive

An Advance Health Care Directive lets you choose a health care agent to make your health care decisions if you become unable to make them for yourself. An Advance Health Care Directive contains your desires concerning end of life treatment as well.Organ donation, funeral arrangements and the disposition of your body when you die are also part of the Directive. The Advance Health Care Directive can also contain "personal care" choices, such as a desire to remain living at home rather than an assisted living or other facility.

Durable General Power of Attorney For Management of Property and Personal Affairs

Durable Power of Attorney for Management of Property and Personal Affairs lets you choose someone you know and trust to make your financial decisions if you are ever unable to do so.A power of attorney can either take effect immediately when you sign it or when you become incapacitated, depending on the wording of the document.